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Rolls-Royce ‘SWARM’, collaborative inspection robots for hard-to-reach areas inside jet engines
Rolls-Royce | SWARM, FLARE and INSPECT robots
Rolls-Royce | SWARM Robots
Rolls-Royce can use insect-like robots to repair aircraft engines and make inspections faster.
Rolls Royce INSPECT robots
This tiny robot can inspect complex pipelines inside aircraft engines
Amazing Rolls-Royce Advanced robotics- SWARM, FLARE and INSPECT Robots
How swarm robots will keep engines flying
Rolls Royce Remote boreblending robots
Snake-Like Robot Arms Inspect Hard-to-Reach Areas
Rolls Royce Nano Robot Bugs and Snakes to Repair Jet Engine Innards – AINtv
FLARE a Snake-like robot for engine repair.